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Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 |
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected Whites as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our genes, our minds and our bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and He shall help them on the upward path so long as they remain true to Him. Survive, thrive, improve, expand and evolve. Our religious morals, values, beliefs and practices are given to us from God-As-He-Truly-Is. We must live right. We must live White. We must not sin by race mixing. Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action 8 P's--Purify, Protect, Propagate, Persevere, Perfect, Preserve, Prevail, Pray ANY RELIGION THAT DENIES THE REALITY OF RACE, DNA, GENES IS A FALSE RELIGION THAT DENIES GOD-AS-HE-TRULY-IS' CREATION OF LIVING ORGANISMS AND DOES EVIL BY PUTTING IDEAS--THINGS OF THE MIND--BEFORE FLESH AND BLOOD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQS ABOUT ARMANISM Q. What do you believe? A. We believe in the ways of existence. Q. What does that mean? A. We believe in the way things work. Q. Can you be more specific? A. In the beginning there was absolute dark and absolute cold. There was absolute nothing. The First Cause (aka God-As-He-Truly-Is) started existence by a tiny spinning point that has been expanding ever since. Existence is maintained by the spinning. We see this in Swastikas and fylfots and spirals and in spinning galaxies and hurricanes seen from above and in everything else no matter how small or large. The principles found in this beginning are behind all of existence and life, including human life, and will be until the spinning stops. Our Short Creed states: We believe in the First Cause who started and sustains existence, in cosmic and organic evolution, the genetic codes and the Teachings of Arman Q. Do you believe in God? A. We usually use the term God-As-He-Truly-Is (GAHTI for short) and also First Cause and a few other terms to describe what cannot be described--that which created Himself/Itself out of absolute nothing. He is unknowable. He is both within and without all of existence. Different parts of The Teachings show a preference for one or another of these terms. This is intentional. All of The Teachings come through Arman and no others so they are not twisted and Arman is the instrument through which God guides those who have the right parts to be guided on the path. God-As-He-Truly-Is brings light and white and light energy against dark energy. Q. Do you believe the First Cause or God-As-He-Truly-Is communicates with humans? A. He has sent inspiration and revelations to Arman and guides him. Q. Why just to Arman? A. It's part of the single point principle established by the First Cause. Q. Do you say you know all the ways of existence? A. No. But, all believers are to try to learn, study and observe to know these ways better. Q. Do you believe you are superior to other humans? A. No. Just different. We often use the analogy of a radio needing all the correct parts to receive radio waves. We believe that we have the right parts which we call Essence as part of our DNA code. Another example we often use is color blindness and color blindness charts. As you know, people who are color blind for certain colors, can't make out the images in color blind charts no matter how hard they try, while people who aren't color blind can easily see them. We believe our DNA code gives us that ability to "see" or understand some things about the First Cause and existence that others, no matter how hard they try, can't really see or understand. Q. What is the code? A. The code is what makes everything. There are actually many codes--as many as there are different things. Q. What about the code in life? A. The code in life on Earth, as far as we know, has manifested itself in DNA and reportedly in RNA in some viruses. Perhaps on other planets the code has manifested itself differently. Q. What is the purpose of life? A. To make more like itself to expand its own kind so that the code it carries expands. Q. Do you believe in evolution? A. Absolutely. It is an important, essential, basic and fundamental part of this faith. We believe that Cosmic Evolution permeates all of existence and its principles are seen in the evolution of life. We see the fylfot as the visible source of change and evolution. Q. Darwinian evolution? A. Darwin got much right, but he didn't understand some of the deeper truths of evolution which began with the single point of existence started by the First Cause. And, he didn't really know anything about DNA or genes. Q. What of subatomic particles, waves, vibrations, energies and forces? A. They are real and they underlie our physical existence and comprise a field of existence that was started by the First Cause. Q. What about your values? A. We value family, honesty, humility, plain living, faith, not harming anyone or any thing that does not harm us, being respectful of all of existence and we believe in expanding our code as much as possible by having as many children with our full code as possible. Q. How do you view human freedom? A. We believe in individual liberty and freedom and also in group liberty and freedom. We believe the highest good for each individual is the pursuit of happiness for that individual as that individual himself or herself defines happiness but in the context of also wanting that for his or her own race. We believe that free speech is essential to being human and that no humans should be forced to live with or among any other individuals or races that they don't want to live with or among. Q. How do you view the different races of humans? A. It is sometimes said that race is to human as breed is to dog as variety is to rose. However, we believe that the major races are really different species. And that the word "race" should be used to describe minor differences within the different species of humans. We believe that there are no better or worse, inferior or superior humans across the board. We just believe there are different types of humans each with their own strengths and weaknesses. This is the way of all nature which tinkers constantly--The Eternal Gene Wars--to bring forth organisms that are best adapted for various niches. Q. Why do you believe in isolation and separation of believers? A. We believe that isolation and separation are important to avoid DNA/gene transfer and even the transfer of bits of DNA, that all humans shed wherever they are, from those who are not our kind. This is what God-As-He-Truly-Is wants and is the way we are to evolve to our highest destiny. As with our other ways, this is for ourselves alone. Others may go their own way and do as they wish. They are not our concern and we should not be their concern. To be clear, particles of DNA are everywhere. If you touch an object with your hand, you leave behind some of your DNA. If you breathe, you breathe out DNA. If you drop a hair or a flake of skin, you leave your DNA behind. Lands free of all discordant bits of DNA from other types of humans are best for believers who wish to move up faster. Part of our belief is that true freedom means that all humans have the right to self-identity and self-determination and that no one should be compelled to mix, mingle or blend with others if they do not choose to do so and that they should be able to freely mix, mingle and blend with those they so choose. Q. Can one leave this faith if one wants? A. Yes. This faith does not compel or force its beliefs or ways on others. One must freely come to these beliefs with open eyes. And, one may freely leave these beliefs. We follow this principle because it is inherent in our belief in having the right DNA code. Those who don't understand the Teachings after being exposed to them should not be compelled to follow them. It would be futile for them to do so. Q. So you believe in lots of freedom? A. Yes. In regard to personal freedom and so-called free will, we believe that each individual is sovereign, but that each is part of an extended family called race (really species) and that the good of the whole should take precedence over a selfish good of a single individual. We believe that he or she has no "betters," and that he or she is equal to all others as a sovereign being, and as such is not to be controlled by others unless the individual so chooses. We believe that this is the way the First Cause wants things to be and this also includes the choice to believe as we believe or not. Some religions want to convert everyone and believe they have the right to force their ways, their beliefs, their mores, their rules on everyone else and that this is what their god wants. We don't believe this at all. We believe that we have evolved to the point where we must now take care of ourselves and that we must freely and intelligently make the choices including what to believe. Q. Is this a peaceful belief system? A. Yes. We treat all life with respect--the best of us would literally not kill a spider--and we seek to mind our own business and keep our own ways and counsel and not interfere with other peoples. We ask to be left alone and we leave others alone who do not mean us harm. Many of us are against hunting, fishing and such things just for sport, but we know we must eat other living things to survive. Q. So if someone believes, then what? A. They must bear the symbols and they must study the teachings and try to live them as best as they can. They shouldn't wait to be anointed by anyone or have anyone give them their blessings. We believe in individual responsibility and in one taking charge of oneself. If you want to take this path, just do so. Q. That's it? A. Yes, that's the basic rule. Those who wish, may teach others and become Teachers. Those who are good at it will be followed and those who are not won't be followed. We believe in this natural selection way of doing things not only as it relates to evolution of life but also as it relates to our organization. However, those who teach who veer away from the Teachings are not to be followed. And, those who teach who are intentionally childless are not to be followed. Q. What of sin? A. The greatest sin is for our White people to miscegenate or to intentionally do any other things that would harm our people or subvert the will of God-As-He-Truly-Is. This is strictly forbidden of us by God-As-He-Truly-Is. Q. Who ensures that the true Teachings are taught? A. The Teachings are plainly worded and important parts are repeated many times and often in slightly different ways for a complete understanding of the concepts that underlie the words. Q. Are there other things that believers may do to signify their belief? A. As taught in the Teachings, wearing the proper usually plain clothing suitable for light labor is important. We believe in "Method Living" which is similar to method acting. That is, a believer must attempt to become the ideal, by looking and acting the part and in surrounding himself or herself with everything that helps them live the part. In addition, believers should place a stone or rock to the entrance of their homes with the proper symbols thereon. The stone or rock need not be large, twice the size of a fist is adequate, but it should be natural rock. The symbols may be chiseled in or painted on or a combination of both. Q. Do you have other maxims? A. Yes, several. One is "Be what you are and become what you should be. Q. What about prayers? A. Believes should pray at dawn, or when they first awaken in the morning, and at dusk or before they go to sleep. Prayers have no set form and are just short statements such as "Thank you Lord for letting me live another day." Or even things such as "Thank you Lord for the rain," or "Thank you Lord for a sunny day." A believer can believe alone or with others if desired and this latter practice is encouraged, but it is not necessary. When there is group worship, any believer can lead the worship, so long as that believer has children and is well versed in the Teachings and does not deviate from them. The leader will usually give a sermon about some issue of importance to believers or will help answer some questions about the faith and the world around us with references to sections from the Teachings. Q. Religious hierarchy? A. Not as seen in some other religions. Leaders who are seen to be right will naturally attract others to them. But, no individual needs anyone to intercede with the First Cause for them. Each individual does that on his or her own. There are no intermediaries between the First Cause and believers. Q. Tell me more about how believers live or should live? A. We believe in doing good and we seek always to choose good over evil in all that we do, even in the smallest things in our daily lives. Q. Most other religions of which I am aware, try to recruit people or convince people that they have the truth, what is your position on that? A. This is not a universal faith. It is for one people alone and it holds that the First Cause wants us to remain a separate people both spiritually and physically and to improve and will the evolution of ourselves and our code ever higher. This requires that we "distill" ourselves out, partly by Method Living to become more than we are. In our faith, the genetic code and its expression in us as the people we see in the mirror is essential and cannot be ignored in any way. The code is dormant in many of us and must be awakened. The physical is interwoven with the spiritual and without the physical there can be no spiritual. Again, we often use a radio as an example to teach this. Simply put, there are radio waves all around us all the time, but only a radio receiver with the right parts can pick up those radio waves. We see the energies and forces of the First Cause as being a little like those radio waves and we see our genetic code as being like the radio receiver with all the right parts. And, we know we have the right internal parts by the external characteristics that are spun out by the internal parts. Prime among these external characteristics is our white skin, and then there are our other physical characteristics, head shape, bone structure, musculature, eye shape and color, hair texture and color and on and on. The external is a reflection of the internal. If one doesn't have the external characteristics, then they can't have the internal ones and the internal code is not the same as ours.Many other religious beliefs are based on belief alone, while ours is based on actual physical DNA (which is a reflection of the First Cause behind the DNA). We are flesh and blood. We are biological beings. We must not deny these real things for fantasies in some religions that we are only some sort of internal soul or spirit that is the real us and the flesh and blood are not the real us. One can change beliefs like changing socks, but one cannot change one's DNA code that way. The DNA code is the essence of the individual and we sometimes refer to it as the Essence. Q. Can you tell me a little more about the Teachings relating to race? A. Arman says that those who deny the reality of DNA, genes, species, races, evolution and so forth are denying God-As-He-Truly-Is who has created these things and made us as flesh and blood biological beings with built in differences and different paths to the future. We do not deny flesh and blood and we believe these things of DNA (for short) are sacred and absolutely necessary and must be respected as part of the will of God-As-He-Truly-Is. We also believe that He has put His Hand into evolution and has caused White people to evolve along a different path than all non-White people and that we must stay on this White path and never deviate. We also believe that there is evil that tries to trick us into leaving the White path by mating with non-Whites. We believe that God-As-He-Truly-Is forbids this but also uses such temptations to test us and our faith. Q. What food restrictions if any do Armanists have? A. We must eat healthy food that helps us live long and productive lives. We believe all life is sacred but we know we must eat other living things and that all living things are on a scale of the least like us and the most like us, so we try to eat less animal and more plant foods but, again, we must eat what keeps us healthy and if this means more animal, that is what we must do. Q. When to have children? A. God-As-He-Truly-Is wants us as His selected kind to make as many more pure ones like us as possible during our lifetimes. We are the carriers of His special DNA code and he wants more of this code in as pure a form as possible to be in existence and to keep purifying and expanding through us. He has put the clock within our DNA code that tells us when we are able to have children. That is when we should start having children. As we increase our population we also increase the amount of our pure DNA code in existence. As with many things, God-As-He-Truly-Is sets His laws in nature, but man often tries to contravene these laws and it is always harmful to man at some point. We must do what God-As-He-Truly-Is wants us to do, and we must not do what God-As-He-Truly-Is does not want us to do. # # # |
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